Pretty Little Chair Cushions
The Best Birthday Ever!

Our 22nd Anniversary Trip!

I can't believe I haven't blogged since November. Life just got busy. But, I'm back to catch up. We celebrated our 22nd Anniversary last November and my husband took me to Florida to celebrate, and we had a blast.

We hadn't been on a vacation without the kids in at least a couple of years, so it was a much needed getaway.

We spent the first day at Busch Gardens (because we are total roller coaster junkies)

It was all decorated, and lit up for Christmas - just amazing. Oh, and we like to see all of the animals, too

But, for the next several days, we just hung out at the beach

We took long morning walks

and evening strolls to watch the sunset

We ate every meal


and dinner, outside on the deck, with the ocean breeze and the sound of the waves.

Twenty-two years of, well, mostly wedded bliss! I can't imagine my life without this amazing man ;)!




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