Farm Girl Blocks Finished – Well, Maybe?
Cozy Christmas Quilt Along Here I Come!

My Sentiments Exactly!

Oh, I love you Missouri Star Quilt Company ;)!

My husband shot a picture of this while I was getting some Bloom and Bliss fabric cut to finish up my "You Sew Girl" pattern on a lightning fast trip to Hamilton! They have fun little signs like this all over their shops!

And, well, my husband shot this picture, and showed it to me laughing, because I almost never follow an entire pattern. And, I was like "Yes, Yes! They totally get me ;)!!

I start out thinking I'll do the pattern as it is, but then when I get to sewing, my creative juices get to flowing, and my sentimental heart gets all involved … and I go to him and say "hey, wouldn't this be cute if I added this block, because ya know, that's so us?", or "wouldn't it be fun if I changed it and did this instead?"

Quilts really are such personal things, such works of the heart! So, my philosophy of quilting would be this - "Put Your Heart Into It and Make It Yours".   If changing something gives it more heart or meaning or joy or cuteness for you or the person you're making it for – do it ;)!  Yes!  Yes!  A pattern is only a suggestion ;)!

I got a few more shots of some of the shops for you all

the Licensed fabric shop

Kids and Baby Shop

The Sew Seasonal Shop – one of my favorites along with the Florals Shop and the Reproductions Shop, this one has all of their holiday fabric!

I even got to see Jenny doing a Meet and Greet in the Basics shop ;)! This one is housed in the original JC Penney building – ya, J.C. Penney's started out in little ole Hamilton, Missouri!

Another favorite quote from Jenny is this: "Finished is better than perfect!" So true Jenny ;)!




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Chris Mott

Hey Kelly, This is Christine from Instagram. Glad to find your blog. Lucky you meeting Jenny. This is on my bucket list. I really want to meet her and see the shops. Love this pattern. and your blog. Have an awesome day.


Wow, very, very cool!!! I was fortunate enough to meet Jenny Doan at Quilt Con. She is such a super nice lady!! But aren't you the lucky one to have actually been in her shop! :)

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